
Selection Guide for Solid State NIR Detectors on the Fluorolog-QM

New NIR DSS detectors in final QC at the HORIBA NJ Optical Spectroscopy Center in Piscataway, NJ.

New NIR DSS detectors in final QC at the HORIBA NJ Optical Spectroscopy Center in Piscataway, NJ.

Solid state NIR detectors (NIR DSS) are an attractive alternative to NIR photomultipliers. In fact, they can be considered superior in many respects, as they offer much higher  upper wavelength limits, are much less prone to damage when exposed to light, are not limited by dark counts when used for long lifetimes, and are considerably less  expensive than NIR photomultipliers.

This technical note serves as a guideline to selecting the best solid state detector with the Fluorolog-QM™ modular research spectrofluorometer for a given series of photoluminescence experiments. 

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