
Zero Gas Generator

The HORIBA Zero Gas Generator produces cleaned up and anhydrous zero air needed for ongoing function control or multipoint calibration of gas analyzers

The compressed air of the compressor is reduced by a pressure regulator to a working pressure of 1 bar relative. Now the air passes a cartridge filled with silica gel to get dry air. This air passes furthermore a cartridge filled with activated carbon, soda lime and molecular sieve which adsorbs SO2, NOx and O3. CO is removed by a scrubber installed in the span gas generator.


事業セグメント: 環境・プロセス
製造会社: HORIBA (Austria) GmbH
  • High security against breakthrough of pollutants (actual status of adsorption material can be checked through transparent cartridge)
  • Up to 6 month replacement interval of scrubber material
  • Compressed air available for cleaning and maintenance duties



Air Quality Monitoring
Air Quality Monitoring
HORIBA offers customer oriented tailor-made system solutions with its state-of-the-art analytical technologies and more than 50 years experience in ambient air market. As your true partner in environmental preservation, we deliver air quality monitoring, indoor air quality monitoring , clean room airborne molecular contamination monitoring , quality control and stationary emission monitoring by diluted stack gas monitoring.


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水・液体計測 HORIBAグループ企業情報