RDE CoDriver

RDE CoDriver - RDE Testing
RDE CoDriver YouTube video
STARS Mobile App

RDE 테스트용 모바일 애플리케이션

RDE CoDriver는 운전자가 복잡한 실제 주행 배기가스(RDE) 테스트 요구 사항을 탐색하여 테스트를 성공적으로 완료할 수 있도록 도와주는 모바일 애플리케이션입니다. 테스트 요구 사항에는 트립 구성, 주행 역학, 고도 및 온도 조건에 관한 특정한 바운더리가 포함됩니다.​

RDE 테스트 동안 RDE CoDriver 애플리케이션은 OBS-ONE과 같이 무선으로 연결된 PEMS(이동형 배기가스 배출 측정 시스템)의 데이터를 기반으로 실시간 정보를 계산하고 시각화합니다. 또한 오류 발생 시 운전자에게 즉각적으로 보고를 해서 테스트 시간과 리소스 낭비를 최소한으로 줄였습니다.

Segment: Automotive
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.
  • Supports European Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151
  • Connects wirelessly to PEMS and visualizes all relevant information
  • Supports moving-average-window (EMROAD) and power-binning (CLEAR) method
  • Supports upload of test results to central data storage for immediate processing


  • The RDE CoDriver takes the complexity out of RDE testing and helps to increase the number of successful tests significantly
  • The RDE CoDriver substantially reduces the cost for the testing of a vehicle and increases the availability of the car for other tests, hence decreasing development time and cost
  • The RDE CoDriver allows for training the driver without the need for an actual PEMS unit reducing cost and time for resources



  • Real Driving Emission (RDE) Test


Mobile App Stores 

STARS Mobile by HORIBA Test Automation Ltd


Mobile Operating System


iOS version 12 (or later)
Android version 6.0 (or later) 

Using the RDE CoDriver with a

OBS-ONE version 1.3.8 (or later) with AK-interface
Wireless router with one (1) RJ-45 Ethernet port

HORIBA offers a free version of the RDE CoDriver. The following table clarifies the particular features that the free and fully licensed versions provide.

  Free FullFull (w/o PEMS)
Driving Dynamics

Distance (km)

Distance share (%)

Acceleration count 

v*a pos [95%]

RPA Limit (%) x 100
















GPSMobile Device XXX
Performance AssessmentMoving Average Window X 
 Power-binning X 
Test Results Review test results  XX
 Send test results by email  XX
RDE Test with Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS)
RDE Test with Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS)
In 2016 the European Commission´s (EC) Member States agreed on new procedures and requirements for light-duty vehicle type approval certification introducing Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) for vehicle testing on the road.
Real driving emissions with RDE CoDriver
Real driving emissions with RDE CoDriver
Real Driving Emission (RDE) tests confirm the results produced during an emissions test on a chassis dynamometer to ensure that vehicles meet the set limits in the real world.

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