2018 堀場雅夫賞受賞者論文: イオンの速度分布関数による非侵襲的プラズマ特性解析

ツァンコ ヴァスコフ ツァンコフ | |   51

Non-invasive plasma characterization through the ion velocity distribution function

ルール大学ボーフム(ドイツ)  プラズマ・原子物理学科
上席研究員 博士(理学)


The high level of miniaturization and degree of integration of modern integral circuitsbased on semiconductor technology would be unthinkable without the useof various plasma-based processing steps during manufacturing, such as depositionand etching. These processes, their quality and efficiency depend criticallyon a number of plasma parameters, such as flux, density and energy of the ions.To optimize and control the semiconductor processing it is therefore desirable tobe able to measure these quantities without affecting the plasma, its homogeneityand the quality of the ongoing surface treatment process. This is now possiblewith the method developed by us. It is an extension of the well-known massspectrometry diagnostics. The method uses the distribution in velocities of theions, measured at the wall of the process chamber by an energy resolved massspectrometer, to obtain the plasma characteristics in the plasma volume. Theparameters that can be determined include the velocity distribution of the ions inthe plasma, their density, flux, mean energy and temperature.