新製品紹介 : 新ドライブレコーダーシステム (DRT-7000 DR-2000 HssE)

石倉 理有、佐渡 泰之、橋本 明浩 | |   40


Personal standards on road safety vary among individuals. Previously there were no definite road safety standards; as a result, many evaluations have been done on the basis of personal senses or common belief. As a solution to these problems, Drive Recorder*1 have been developed to obtain quantitative records of driving, and systems for data evaluation have accordingly been pursued. In this report we introduce the most recent models of these devices and systems.

*1: Drive Recorder: An Drive Recorder is a device to record driving data and picture images on a memory card or other storage media when triggered by an impact shock or sudden braking caused by an accident or a near-miss incident. The driving data contains records on acceleration, braking ,speed, turn signals and GPS while the picture images shows the moments before, during and after the shock.