特集論文 : HORIBAが提案する新しい検査室システム

Laurent ARAUD, Olivier POU | |   44

HELO: Horiba Evolutive Laboratory Organization

*1: HaemCell: HORIBAメディカルが5年前に開発・設計した検査室システム
*2: HELO: HORIBAメディカルの最新の検査室システム(欧州のみでの提供)
*3: LEAN生産方式:トヨタ生産方式を研究して編み出された生産方式で,ムダを排除することを目的として,トータルコストを系統的に減らす

Over the past 5 years, HORIBA Medical has been proposing the “HaemCell” as the high-range solution for Hematology Laboratory organization which was based on software connections only and avoiding any mechanical link. To improve patient care and adapt to a highly evolving market, HORIBA Medical
decided to make the HaemCell evolve toward the HELO concept and exploit at their best the analyzer’s performances and scalability for healthcare needs. Still driven by the LEAN philosophy the new HELO concept extends the flexibility of configuration by adding the possibility to work with a track system and offers around both the work-cell and the dedicated track a multiplicity of peripheral solutions to accommodate modern requirements of the Hematology laboratoryas well as related disciplines.