Aqualog Datastream

For Instant Water Quality Reports

Aqualog® Datastream - for Instant Water Quality Reports

The NEW Aqualog® Datastream Dashboard facilitates completely automated analysis and reporting of a wide range of organic matter parameters that are critical for managing and optimizing the drinking water treatment process. The Datastream parameters have been selected to specifically target disinfection by-product issues, algal issues and other contamination components. The Dashboard provides the latest readings, time series and tables or trend analysis, % removals, thresholds and MCLs (Maximum Contaminant Limits) for all of these parameters, and reports on fit statistics and residual evaluation for system performance monitoring, contamination detection and early warning alerts.

The Datastream Dashboard is the latest enhancement to the HORIBA Aqualog. The Aqualog is the only instrument with patented simultaneous UV-Vis and fluorescence ExcitationEmission Matrices (EEMs), which are acquired up to 100 times faster than with other instruments.

Water treatment facilities can also upload their independent data to simultaneously analyze pH, alkalinity, turbidity, Cl2 and other key parameters.



事業セグメント: Scientific
製造会社: HORIBA Scientific

NEW Aqualog® Datastream Dashboard


  • Seamless integration with Aqualog
  • Convenient HTML-based interface
  • Push-button method operation
  • Simple administrator level controls for calibration and method development


  •  Easy access through internet or intranet
  •  Dashboard shows the latest readings, time series and tables for trends and analysis
  •  WTP can upload their own independent data

Instant Dashboard results include:

  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration
  • Disinfection By-product Formation Potentials
  • Complete UV-Vis spectra (A254)
  • Specific UV Absorbance
  • Algae (Bluegreen, Green and others)
  • Oils and PAHs
  • Regional Molecular Fingerprint Analysis
  • Absorbance Slope Analysis
  • Humic and Fluorescence Indices
  • Process Step Coordination
  • Time Series and Tables for Trend Analysis
  • 95% removal of customer input requirements
  • or analysis
  • Thresholds and MCLs for all Parameters
  • Model Parameters, Fits and Residual Evaluation

Aqualog Datastream Dashboard is powered by Solo_Predictor software from Eigenvector Research, Incorporated 



Aqualog Datastream ParametersSpecificationsNotes
Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration
30 µg/l-20 mg/lRequires Filtration (0.45 µm)
A254 nm 1 cm path length 
SUVA L  DOC mg-1
 A254 m-1
Simulated Distribution, System Trihalomethane,
Formation Potential
SDS THMFP (10 µg/l – 500 µg/l)MCL USEPA = 80 µg/l
Parallel Factor Analysis Component Scores Up to 7Can include Algal, Oil/PAH, Tracer Dyes and other Components
Residuals (Q)  Detect Contaminants and Measurement Issues
% Variance Accounted For  Detect Contaminants and Measurement Issues
Absorbance Spectrum200-800 nm; 1 cm path lengthAny wavelength coordinate or ratio can be analyzed with extinction coefficients
Excitation Emission Matrix (EEM) Regions I-V plus Algal (Bluegreen/Brown/Green)Custom EEM regions also available; Based on Interpolated EEM
Total Fluorescence Sum of EEM Regions I-V 
Humic Index  
Fluorescence Index  

Independent Treatment Plant Data

DOC mg/l 
Alkalinity mg/l 
Chlorine Residual mg/l 
A254 nm Adjustable Path Length Specifications 
Additional Parameters Available
System RequirementsDatastream Specifications 
Windows OS 64 bit Windows 7 or higher 
Web Browser Google Chrome ≥V53.x or Firefox  ≥49.x 
Memory (RAM)≥ 4 GB 
Hard Disk ≥ 4 GB 
USB Ports ≥ 2Additional ports may be required for accessories
Video Resolution ≥ 1024 x 768 
Eigenvector Solo Industrial V8.2 or higher 
HORIBA Onsite Installation/Calibration Required 
HORIBA 6 month service Advised 
License Period 1 year renewable 
Aqualog Hardware UV-800 (200-800 nm) 

Eigenvector Research, Incorporated Aqualog Datastream Dashboard is powered by Solo Predictor software from
Eigenvector Research, Incorporated

Fluorescence Spectra from Carbon Nanotubes with the Nanolog
Fluorescence Spectra from Carbon Nanotubes with the Nanolog
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), consisting of rolled-up single sheets of carbon atoms, have received much attention recently.


* 項目は必ずご記入ください。
